Nomads life has been and will be always about traveling across Sahara looking for enough green and water for their herds, while traveling and herding for the whole day from dawn till after sunset they needed a source of nutrition that keep them strong enough to do the job as it is, during the day they are okay with some fresh camel milk, dates, and a cup of nomad whiskey (strong green tea ). This small quick meal is enough to persuade the day. But with the nightfall and the sun coming down, the camel babies are more tired and would like to find a place to take rest and chew what they are all day.
“Live your own life, pursue your own way. Don’t put up an entire show that doesn’t serve anyone, let alone you yourself. Tomorrow never comes, it’s all about living in the now“.
So the nomads gather their herd and try to find a good spot where their camels can set for the night. This is the perfect time to prepare a good meal after a busy day …and unfortunately, there is no market nearby to grab some snacks or fresh bread with some cheese, but even in the wildness this couldn’t hold the nomads from figuring out new ways to adapt and make their meals with fresh bread.

That’s why after sunset when the camels are rested nomads start a good fire in clean sand as they were preparing their oven and in the main time they start baking their bread under a sky of thousands of stars and update each other about things they saw or heard all the day, maybe news about rain, river, a lost camel. With every story, the sand gets hotter and hotter which makes it a natural quick done event…
when the bread is ready, the man needs to remove the fireside with all that can burn their bread (wood, coal ) and he buried his bread into only the hot sand and he covered up all the sides, after 10 min he checks it with a dry wood touching all the side of the up parts to see if they are hard enough, sometimes if the sand isn’t hot enough the down part get only a little heat that’s why you need to turn it upside down quickly and covered it again with hot sand and so you get your fresh bread… Some would think that it will be full of sand from both inside and outside well why don’t you come and check by yourself with Sahara eyes?